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Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, at a joint press briefing with Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, said that, in spite of calming statements that radical groups stand little chance of exercising more power in northern Africa, this was still a concern for Russia.


The full college of European Commissioners and a dozen ministers from Moscow had been meeting in Brussels on a range of EU-Russia matters, including energy, trade and economic coordination.

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The European Union and Russia have jointly condemned the bloody suppression of the Libyan people’s revolution. Meanwhile back home his youngest son, heir apparent Kim Jong-un, continues to appear in public with his father. South Korean officials say one of the leader’s sons, Kim Jong-chol, was spotted recently at an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore. Whereas the authorities usually distribute 10 days’ worth of rations, some areas have reportedly received no supplies. Although Pyongyang has seen the usual birthday commemorations, defectors in Seoul say festivities in the North have been scaled down this year because of a chronic food shortage. Kim Jong-Il should step down as soon as possible for his people,” the tourist said.

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“He’d better feed his people first, and then he can enjoy his birthday. As a group of southern tourists gazed across the border in curiosity, one visitor asked whether it right for the North to celebrate its leader’s birthday while most North Koreans were starving. North Korea has become increasingly hostile, conducting missile tests and staging military attacks. Tension has mounted between the two neighbours over the past couple of years. There have been protests in the South Korean capital Seoul to coincide with the 69th birthday of the North’s leader Kim Jong-Il. ‘Food shortages’ as North Korea celebrates leader’s birthday

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